Worrells turtle


Biodiversity careers encompass a wide range of fields, including conservation biology, ecology, wildlife management, environmental policy, and more.

Are you passionate about protecting the planet's diverse array of life? Do you want to make a difference in preserving endangered species and habitats? If so, a career in biodiversity may be for you.

Biodiversity careers encompass a wide range of fields, including conservation biology, ecology, ecosystem and wildlife management, botany, environmental policy, and more. As biodiversity continues to face threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and overexploitation, there is a growing need for skilled professionals who can address these challenges.

Working in biodiversity can be incredibly rewarding. You'll have the opportunity to work with diverse plant and animal species, and contribute to the conservation of critical ecosystems. You may work in the field, conducting research or monitoring species populations, or in an office, analysing data and developing policies to protect biodiversity.

Common roles in biodiversity careers include:

  • Conservation biologists, conducting research on endangered species and ecosystems, developing conservation plans, and working to restore degraded habitats.
  • Wildlife biologists, studying the behaviour, ecology, and populations of wild animals, often with a focus on conserving threatened species.
  • Environmental policy analyst to develop policies and regulations to protect biodiversity and ensure sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Park ranger, managing and protecting national parks, wildlife reserves, and other protected areas, often working directly with visitors and Traditional Owners, or conducting educational programs.
  • Ecotourism guide, leading groups on nature tours and talks, promoting sustainable tourism and visitor practices that support conservation efforts.
  • Botanist, working within the herbarium as part of an international network dedicated to the study and identification of plants.

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