
Work in The Territory environment

Collaborate and Grow

The Territory environment needs a set of highly skilled, diverse, passionate professionals to
provide a sustainable future.

Man looking out towards a coast.


Conservation careers offer a unique opportunity for individuals who are passionate about protecting the environment and preserving biodiversity.
Animal sitting on a rock.


Biodiversity careers encompass a wide range of fields, including conservation biology, ecology, wildlife management, environmental policy, and more.
Firefighters responding to a bushfire.


Sustainable fire management is an important feature of managing and protecting the Territory landscape, including conserving our parks, cultural assets, both environmental and non-environmental assets and our flora and fauna. It also supports economic development across a range of Territory industries such as carbon abatement schemes, agriculture and farming.
Researchers on a boat at sea.

Environmental science

There are a variety of specialisations within the field of environmental science, including environmental policy, environmental engineering, environmental health, remote sensing and conservation biology. Each of these areas of expertise requires a unique skill set and may involve different types of work, from designing and implementing sustainability programs to analysing the health impacts of pollution.
Cattle in a field.

Natural resource management

The Northern Territory is home to a diverse range of ecosystems and landscapes, including rainforests, deserts, and wetlands, providing a wealth of opportunities for those interested in natural resource management. You can work on projects to protect and manage the country's natural resources, including land and soil, water, wildlife, and other areas of the environment.
Rangers with a map in front of a helicopter.

Parks and wildlife rangers

Working in this field allows you to protect and manage unique and diverse ecosystems, while also engaging with visitors and local communities, including traditional owners. As a park ranger, you will have the opportunity to work in some of the most stunning natural landscapes in the world, such as Litchfield National Park, Nitmiluk National Park and Tjoritja / West MacDonnell National Park, the home of the breathtaking Larapinta Trail.
Rangers, smiling.

A day in the life of a ranger

As a Park Ranger at Garig Ganuk Barlu National Park your day can involve a variety of work from cleaning up after campers to protecting and conserving this beautiful country.

Robbie and Dylan live and work at the park and love what they do. On any given day they can greet visitors, remove ghost nets and conduct turtle surveys.

Rangering in the NT, is not just a job, it's a lifestyle.

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Connect and Innovate

Imagine working with 600+ colleagues who are as passionate about the environment as you are in a space that wants you to grow, innovate and find the best way to create a sustainable future as the Territory grows.

Firefighters in front of trucks, eating and drinking.

Trust each other and grow together

We value collaboration and conversations with our colleagues and through trust and respect, we can...

Workers in hi-visibility uniforms and hard hats standing in front of a tower.

Embrace the different

We value a safe and inclusive workplace where people can speak up, share ideas and celebrate their identity. We are a diverse workforce...

Rangers cleaning rubbish on a beach.

Empower connections

We believe in creating empowered connections with all our stakeholders. We share our knowledge and skills and value the knowledge and feedback that is shared...

Rangers with a captured crocodile.

Who we are

At the Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment, we are a collective group of over 600 diverse, passionate professionals, spanning the breadth of the Territory, to ensure the Territory Environment is healthy, resilient and productive, now and for future generations.

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Workers outdoors, waving.

Meet your colleagues

We believe that work should be enjoyable, so we've created a team culture that values creativity, collaboration, and of course, a place where you can grow.

Jump on in and meet some of the team who dedicate thier careers to protecting the environment and managing our natural assets.

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Workers walking along an outdoor catwalk at a facility.